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Heat Accumulation for Space Environment Simulator

Vacuum Heat Accumulation

To verify the adaptability and stability of the test equipment under high vacuum and low temperature condition.

Technical specification for Vacuum Heat Accumulation

1. StructureStainless steel expansion plate heat accumulation
2. Operating temperature range-196oC~+150oC
3. Temperature uniformity±5oC
4. MaterialS30408
5. Total leakage rate≤1.0×10-5Pa.L/S
6. Black paint half ring emissivity≥0.9
7. Working pressure≤1.0MPa
8. Design and manufacture diameter range0.5m~20m

9. Application: To provide a low temperature, cold black background environment in the vacuum container.

Technical specification for Cryogenic helium cold plate

1. StructureStainless steel expansion plate heat accumulation
2. Operating temperature range20k~423k
3. Temperature uniformity±2oC
4. MaterialS30408
5. Total leakage rate2×10-6Pa.L/S
6. Black paint half ring emissivity≥0.9
7. Working pressure≤1.0MPa
8. Design and manufacture diameter rangeCustomized

9. Application: To provide a low temperature, cold black background environment to a specimen inside the vacuum container.


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